There are many sites devoted to issues about women and mothers and their interests, but few for men.
As the founder, I’m a guy in my early sixties and a grandfather of beautiful and smart children.
I started 22PlusY in 2019 as a place for general ‘bloke’ stuff, with a view to creating content that would, over time, interest any male readership.
22PlusY exists as a place where men will find information on interests, wellbeing, social interests, legislation, style, etc. An inclusive site for all men.
I have researched articles such as Prostate cancer… something that, potentially, affects anyone with a prostate, gay or straight, equally.
Authorship is sought from people in different fields and backgrounds, with a view to being informative and helpful.
Why the name?
All humans share 22 chromosomes, with the 22nd and 23rd being the ‘sex’ chromosomes. If they are ‘XX’ the person is born female; if they are X’Y’ the person is born male.
So, 22 generic chromosomes, plus a ‘Y’ in the 23rd position.
Who’s it for?
Of course, we welcome all readers to the site but 22PlusY is a site designed for men, by men. The concept is simple, if your 23rd chromosome is a ‘Y’ this is the place for you.
If there are ‘X’ types reading and it helps them to help their ‘Y’ type friends and family, so much the better.
Please feel free to comment on any post and share your own experiences.
22PlusY.com is owned and operated by Stephen Hooper, a sole trader headquartered in West Sussex, England. 22PlusY.com is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk. As Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.
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